A Senator's Biggest Donors
2 minutes
John Thune is the new senate leader. Here are his biggest corporate donors.
Why are insurance companies so interested in a US Senator?
A BIG pile of money: >$1,000 /month x 330 Million Americans = ~$4 Trillion /year,Â
if Obamacare is allowed to continue along its course to Single-payer, Government-run Healthcare.
This was Hilary's plan in the 1990s:
·       Outlaw private health insurance.
·       Divide the country up into 5 regions.
·       Award a monopoly in each region to one of the big 5 insurance companies.
It's still the plan.
It took the insurance lobby almost 40 years to go from getting Congress to pass The HMO Act (1973) to getting it to pass Obamacare (2010).  The HMO Act made it legal for health insurers to "ration needed care" (thereby making health insurance companies wildly profitable).  Obamacare extended that authority, making it legal for the federal government to also "ration needed care" (Medicare, Medicaid, TriCare).
What does "ration"Â mean?
It means you pay an insurance company for coverage, but the insurance company doesn't have to give you anything. It doesn't have to pay your medical bills. Same with Medicare, Medicaid & TriCare. The government takes your monthly premium out of your Social Security or other government check, but the government doesn't have to give you medical care.
That's a set-up for a lot of skimming.Â
John Thune isn't the only Senator getting "donations" from insurance companies.
The Insurance Lobby is willing to wait for its ultimate prize, but not give up, until you suck the money out of Big Health Insurance.
How? Stop feeding the beast.
Join The Thinking Man's Union, where your money goes only to what it should.
You get much better healthcare. You pay much less. And your money isn't used against you.
Do it now.